Video tutorial bagiman belajar teknik panjat dinding..ingat DVD yang satu ini untuk video pelatihan panjat dinding bukan panjat tebing yang pernah kita ulas disini
yups benar sekali banyak pemula masih menyukai olahraga panjat tebing berawa; dari panjat dinding terlebih dahulu dimana dengan semua materi video di dalamnya berisi panduan teknik memanjat tebing mulai dari segala persiapannya dengan baik dan benar sesuai aturan resep dokter ..upss salah..sesuai aturan yg berlaku ding !!
sesuai deskripsi resminya disini
Climbing Wall Essentials shows the skills needed to operate safely and efficiently in an indoor climbing centre. Although indoor climbing walls may be perceived as a safe environment to learn how to climb and try new techniques, there are still plenty of pitfalls and dangers that must be avoided through knowledge and experience imparted in this film. Climbing Wall Essentials also details information on, warming up, improving your technique, how to lead climb, pushing your grade, introducing children to climbing walls, and entering the world of competition climbing. It also looks at how to make that important transition from climbing indoors to climbing outdoors on rock. The information in this DVD is relevant to all climbing walls. But remember, climbing walls are all different and consequently have different designs and management and therefore different rules and regulations which must be adhered to and understood when visiting each individual climbing centre. This DVD is a must for any enthusiastic indoor climber, no matter what stage they are at in their climbing development. The material on the DVD can be re-visited time and time again as a climber progresses and develops.